Capacities Under Test are Shown in Red | Records | GEOSS Data Core records | Granules | GEOSS Data Core granules | Comments |
New Zealand government geodata catalog | 2.175 | 0 | 2.175 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
ISPRA Monitoring network | 7.680 | 0 | 7.680 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
Chile Geoportal | 11.647 | 0 | 11.647 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
South African Environmental Observation Network | 14.818 | 899 | 14.818 | 899 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
WIS GISC DWD | 143.879 | 416 | 143.879 | 416 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
IGN GeoPortal | 50 | 0 | 50 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
UK Data Gov | 6.089 | 0 | 6.089 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
FedEO | 2.551 | 0 | 82.355.410 | 0 | The number of granules is obtained by issuing a request with no constraint to each collection, and summing the total number of records |
New Zealand Monitoring Network | 32 | 0 | 32 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
NIWA data catalog | 188 | 0 | 188 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
Geoscience Australia | 21.301 | 0 | 21.301 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
Red Vial (Road Network, from Ministry of Public Works) -- from Chile | 16 | 0 | 16 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
HIS Central US | 14.331.907 | 0 | 14.331.907 | 0 | This number is estimated, in fact the HIS service does not provide this information (number of all available resources). See "Number of Results" section at |
NOAA Unified Access Framework Catalog | 5.114 | 0 | 5.114 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
Limites (Administrative Boundaries, from Ministry of Public Works as well) --
from Chile | 5 | 0 | 5 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
SeaDataNet | 476 | 0 | 1.300.000 | 0 | The estimate of Granules is from |
EEA SDI Catalog | 414 | 414 | 414 | 414 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
GMOS Database | 819 | 0 | 819 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
Global River Discharge Datasets (GRDC/GEOWOW) - Kisters AG | 1.928 | 1.928 | 1.928 | 1.928 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
Registered Data | 44.417 | 500 | 44.417 | 500 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
IRIS Event | 4.163.124 | 0 | 4.163.124 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
IRIS Station | 484.768 | 0 | 484.768 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) - Japan | 217 | 0 | 217 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
NASA Global Change Master Directory | 28.108 | 12.994 | 28.108 | 12.994 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
RASAQM | 297 | 297 | 297 | 297 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
EGASKRO | 408 | 408 | 408 | 408 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
Knossos | 536 | 0 | 536 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
INPE CDSR | 863.290 | 863.290 | 863.290 | 863.290 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
ArcGIS Online ESRI | 185.000 | 0 | 185.000 | 0 | Declared by Provider |
BYU World Water Data catalog | 15 | 0 | 15 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
IODE | 7.509 | 135 | 7.509 | 135 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
GBIF | 19.888.012 | 0 | 19.888.012 | 0 | Number of species discoverable. For each species, it is then possible to find related occurrencies. |
MEDINA SDI | 158 | 0 | 158 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
Canadian Monitoring Network | 828 | 0 | 828 | 0 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog (CWIC) | 1.852 | 1.821 | 50.000.000 | 50.000.000 | Declared by Provider |
Webservice Energy Catalog | 1.165 | 33 | 1.165 | 33 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
PANGAEA | 335.877 | 335.877 | 335.877 | 335.877 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
US Data Gov | 85.229 | 467 | 85.229 | 467 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
One Geology | 438 | 438 | 438 | 438 | Number of records and granules harvested by GEODAB |
Total | 40.642.337 | 1.219.917 | 174.292.868 | 51.218.096 | |